Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Abs like Janet, Core Workout Challenges

I hear it every day from women all over, "Can you help me get abs like Janet?" and my answer, "Ofcourse!"
 That is as long as you are ready to put in the same amount of work as Janet.  Ms. Jackson, if you nasty ... sorry, I had to do it.
Ab workouts are usually the most trying, the burning core routines that I have put together for some of the top junior athletes and my fantastic clients are known to test the your endurance and strength.  Having tight abs is key to having perfect posture, getting that smaller waistline, and actually warms the rest of your body for faster weight loss.

You can get out of the drudgery of crunches and sit ups by implementing a yoga ball or even a half-ball to your workout, for added work "comfort" (#side-eye) insert a medicine ball in the mix and you can tone your arms and shoulders too.

In my years of training athletes I usually require my clients to use both the medicine ball and the half-ball during workouts.

Are you up for the challenge?

As always, you can contact me for individual consulting via my WeTrainPerformance Facebook Page

Stay Fit

Monday, September 19, 2011

WeTrainPerformance: Enhancing Student Athletes

WeTrainPerformance has been working with student athletes for years helping them maintain endurance, increasing focus, and becoming educated on how to be the best athlete they can be.

We've worked with some of the top student athletes in the country, some of which have gone on to become professionals in their sport.

Check out the video....

To find out more on our Student Athlete Training Programs just comment on the post and we'll be in touch.

LiveFit, TrainHaird.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Welcome to WeTrainPerformance

 Welcome to the WeTrainPerformance Blog!

So you are probably interested in getting fit, finding a personal training, gaining some tips on how you can increase your activity while at home.  Well, you’ve come to the right place.  WeTrain Performance is dedicated to providing fitness opportunities to everyone from aspiring professional athletes to stay at home moms.  WTP has the answers to all of your training questions.
Check back often as WeTrainPerformance is a valuable source of information when it comes to dispelling fitness rumors, organizing your fitness routine and perfecting your new fitness lifestyle.

I guess I should introduce myself, I have been a trainer and fitness expert for almost 15 years in Detroit.  As a former football player and professional athlete I’ve had a consistent education on exercising and training, but it was my years afterward that taught me how to help create healthy habits in my clients.  

From time to time this WeTrainPerformance blog will have how-to video posts, before and after pics, events and opportunities.  I urge you to LIKE my Facebook page, WeTrainPerformance Personal Training & Fitness Consulting, so that you can get updates on your Facebook timeline whenever there’s a new post.